I would like to give this blog entry a documentary approach rather than photographic. My idea is to show and comment some images of a remote place, almost hidden I would say, but really spectacular and attractive, as is the Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, USA.
El nombre de Mesa Verde fué dado por los españoles que fueron los primeros europeos en llegar al lugar.
The name Mesa Verde was given by the Spaniards, who were the first Europeans to reach the place.
Situado en el valle de Montezuma, lugar de residencia del ancestral Puebloans, fué habitado a partir del año 550 por los nativos Anasazi, que lo ocuparon hasta el año 1300 aproximadamente.
Located in the Montezuma Valley, homeland of the Puebloans, it was first inhabited in 550 A.D. by the Anasazi, who stayed in the region until around 1300 A.D.
Fotografía cortesía de: Marifé Vieco
En la zona destacan las edificiaciones de piedra construidas en los grandes huecos de las rocas, en las paredes verticales de los acantilados, a veces situados a 650 m. sobre el valle de Montezuma.
Notable are the stone masonry structures built in huge voids in the rock of the cliffs' walls, sometimes as high as 2000 ft. over the Montezuma Valley.Son espacios bien construidos, aunque aparentemente sin mucho orden y dedicados a resguardarse de la climatología, de los animales salvajes, habitaciones para vivir y dormir, así como pequeños almacenes donde guardar alimentos y enseres.
They are well built spaces, even though they lack order sometimes, intended to protect from the weather and wildlife, spaces to live and sleep, as well as small storage rooms to keep food and tools.
Fotografía cortesía de: Marifé Vieco
Se cree que estos pequeños pueblos fueron habitados solamente en los últimos 75 a 100 años de los Anasazi en el valle. Posteriormente lo abandonaron, sin que se conozcan hasta el momento los motivos de tan brusca desaparición.
It is believed that these small settlements were only inhabited the last 75 to 100 years of the Anasazi in the valley. Afterwards, they abandoned them and it is not clear to this point in time, which were the motives for such an abrupt disappearance.
English version: Javier Gil Vieco